Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Fishing at Largs Jetty

 This evening, the cubs went fishing at Largs Jetty. There was not such a great turn out tonight, due to the weather, which had been rather rain driven earlier in the day. It was certainly a sharp contrast to last week’s weather we had for the hike.


While there was some possibility of showers (which really did not eventuate), numbers were low. But the ones braved the wind, certainly had a great time. 


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Cobbler Creek Hike

This evening, the Cubs went on a hike in Cobbler’s Creek Recreational Park. As with any outdoor activity, I tagged along for the ride, in Scouting Human’s bag. Got to the easy walk and ensure no one got lost.


We managed to complete 3km and it was good to be able to get out of the hall. The weather was great ad this certainly helped with the attendance for the event.


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Cub visit to SES - Tea Tree Gully Unit

This evening, Golden Grove Cubs and I visit the Tea Tree Gully SES. It was a visit that was well received by the youth members, who, behaved quite well.


It was certainly worthwhile and we think the Cubs enjoyed the visit. It certainly would not have been possible without SES – Tea Tree Gully Unit willing to host us on the night. Their hospitality was certainly appreciated. 


Sunday, September 22, 2024

City Scramble 2024

 Today, Golden Grove Cubs took part in City Scramble 2024. This is based on the City Scramble idea that happened back in May 2019.


For a lot of leaders within South Australia, the event in 2019 was bittersweet, due to the main person behind the event was in hospital and passed away that night. He had been a main stay in the Cub section within South Australia and many people went into that event knowing the outcome was not looking good.


However, while today’s activity based on the 2019 activity concept, as with any activity, there were some differences and some similarities.


Golden Grove Cubs had 10 Cubs, 1 Venturer, 1 leader and several parents attend the event.


On the weather front, the forecast was for showers in the morning. However, they did not eventuate. As a result, the day was quite nice. It was cool, but it was certainly better than being hot and having to deal with heat related issues with the Cubs.


It was a great day, as Golden Grove Started at the War Memorial and worked our way round the checkpoints in a anti clockwise manner. It was enjoyable and I think the Cubs enjoyed the day and different points as we went. We certainly saw a fair bit of the city. This included the chopper landing at the SANFL final to deliver the Premiership Cup before the SANFL Grand Final.


Golden Grove Scout Group had 10 Cubs, 1 Venturer, 1 leader as well as several adults attend the day. Overall, we think the day went well and am sure that next time a similar event is run, then Golden Grove Cubs will take part again in the event. 


Saturday, September 14, 2024

NavFest: Parks and Playgrounds

This afternoon, Joeys, Cubs, one Scout and several leaders took part in NavFest: Parks and Playgrounds. It was based from Athelstone Primary School (start and finish point), and surrounding area/ suburbs.  


Similar to NavFest:Beach, Golden Grove Cubs entered teams. This time, we had enough for 3 teams and they were composite of Joeys, Cubs ad one scout. At NavFest:Beach, we’ve had 2 teams in 2023 and 1 team in 2024.


The teams over all did well, with 2 teams scoring 400 points and 1 team scoring 450 points. All three teams were placed around the middle of the teams taking part in the event this afternoon.


Overall, the youth walked a total of 8km for the event, getting their checkpoints. The youth certainly gained a few km towards their hike (km) badge totals.


I enjoyed the event (but I also was being carried in a bag!). I am looking forward to doing NavFest:Beach in 2025 and hope we are able to have several teams entered in that event as well. I am sure the Cubs will enjoy it and seeing if they can beat their scores.


Thanks must go to Scouts SA: Bushwalking Team for organizing the event 


Sunday, July 28, 2024

National tree Planting Day

 Today, we were up early. It was National Tree Day, so the Cubs, Scouting Human and I were joined Friends of Dry Creek Trail to do some tree planning.

 It did not take very long as many hands make light work. Overall, a successful day as there were a variety of community there, including representations from two scout groups (Golden Grove and Hillcrest).


Overall, a successful day. 


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tree Planting with Friends of Dry Creek Trail

 Today, there were several Cubs with their parents who attended Tree Planting with Friends of Dry Creek Trail.


Tea Tree Gully Council had supported the event by digging the holes prior to the event, which was a much appreciated by all in attendance. It allowed for the planting to be done quicker


We were also joined by Shah Satnam Ji Green S Welfare Force Wing - Australia who were also supporting Friends of Dry Creek Trail’s activity this morning. As a result, we were able to get all the plants done in under an hour. In addition, the friends of Dry Creek Trail were able to get some preparation work and forward planning done on the site for future work while they had the extra help around. Essentially, it was a win win for all involved!


I am sure that golden Grove Cubs will be helping them again in the future with their tree planting activities.