This is just before we went and did the activities outside. Very important to have the tourches so that we can
see in the dark. Also important for when we were doing the activities and needed the touches to shine through paper.

Checking out the instructions for the codes we had to do for another of the activites. This was another activity for the Science badge, level 2. Angle Vale Scout Group have a very wicked knock board and I decided to have a look and check it out while I was hanging around during Supper. Might get some ideas for Akela!
Checking out the breakfast Cereal on Sunday Morning. Cant be to slack and the Cubs really need to be fed! A fed cub is a happy cub!
Checking the OJ. Thirsty work being a cub scout!
Over all it was a very enjoyable sleep over and everyone had a great time. I know I am definately looking forward to another soon