was the launce of the new district. At the start of the year, South Australian
Scouting reduced the number of districts from 17 to 10. As a result,
Carsibrooke District became Ridley District.
were activities and every group in the district was represented.
The northern suburbs have had a variety of
districts covering Elizabeth since Scouting in Elizabeth started in 1957. The
districts that have gone before Ridley District are as follows:
Para District.
Groups in this
district included 1st and 2nd Salisbury Groups and 1st,
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Elizabeth Groups. These groups were, previously part of
Northern Suburbs District. Para District came into being in October 1959. In
May 1963, Para District was split into two districts.
North Para
Groups in this
district were 1st Elizabeth, 2nds Elizabeth, 3rd
Elizabeth, 4th Elizabeth, 5th Elizabeth, 6th
Elizabeth, 7th Elizabeth and 8th Elizabeth.
South Para District
covered primarily Salisbury based groups, such as 1st Salisbury, 2nd
Elizabeth and 1st Para Hills.
Elizabeth District
Elizabeth District
was formed in 1975 and covered all groups within the local council areas of the
City of Elizabeth and city of Munno Para.
The badge was issued in June 1975, and replaced the Para District badge.
The design features the City of Elizabeth Coat of Arms and is on a dark green
background and red edging. the shield is gold edged on red, which is three
masted ship in white and gold. A red fluer-de-lys has been added to the gold
branches below a gold crown.
district was in existence for around 20 years, before the next name change. The
City of Elizabeth and City of Muno Para were merged in 1997, around the same
time a lot of other local council areas were also merged as a result of
government review. With this change came a change of district name. The new
council area was called City of Playford and the local district became Playford
District was in existence until the merger with City of Salisbury District in
mid 2008, when it became Carisbrooke District as noted above.