Monday, January 14, 2013

Trip Home

Today was the day we left the Jamboree. Just after midnight, but it still made it the 13th of January. It was with sadness that we were leaving, as we certainly had a great time while away

 On the other hand, I think we were looking forward to seeing family and friends, as well as sleeping in our own bed.

We got some sleep on the bus to Brisbane, but Akela was miffed she was told it was a 4 hour bus trip and we were due at the air port at 4am – but we arrived at 2am! So she didn’t get much sleep at all.....others did, but she with the troop leader were pretty much awake.

The coffee shop guy sure did a roaring trade once he opened as there were quite a few who were looking forward to a hot coffee or hot chocolate to get them through the final stretch.

 Eventually we were able to have breakfast and board the plane. It was a three hour direct flight home and certainly many of us were looking forward to getting home. Akela though was looking forward to going to the one day game at Adelaide Oval, the only game South Australia was getting. We’ll see if we make it through the game.......

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