Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday at Seahaven Camp

Today was a little slower than yesterday. Everyone, including Akela slept in a bit (Akela until 7am – on a camp for her, that is definitely a sleep in!!!!).  

After breakfast, the cubs and 3 of the leaders walked to the local playground. It was a bit of a walk, but certainly a very nice day for it. The sun was shining, people were out walking with their families (and in some cases their dogs) or riding their push bikes. As a result, Akela and Raksha were talking of doing a day activity of getting the Cubs with their bikes and going for a bike ride as a day activity. Certainly an idea that the Cubs listening in seem to really really like!

 We had taken morning tea to the playground and the cubs had a great time playing on the playground. Even Charli and I got a play on some of the swings!

 It wasn’t long before we had to head back to Seahaven and start lunch before packing up the personal gear. That is always an interesting exercise on camp and today is no different. But with the exception of a sleeping bag and a camera, everything else went home with someone! We’re impressed….

 After the Cubs personal gear was packed, it was time for lunch, to do some cleaning before the parents started arriving to collect them.

 Overall, it was a good camp and a enjoyable weekend away. I hope the Cubs enjoyed their camp and we look forward to seeing everyone at the next one.

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