Sunday, January 12, 2014

Forcast of South Australian heat

One thing I like to do with this blog, apart from report on my activities, is to provide some insight into Australian Way of life. Sometimes, this includes blog entries such as this, about our weather. Other times, it will (and has) included other non scouting activities that Akela attends and takes me with her.

Today, I am doing a short entry about the weather we are going to experience.

This week, it is going to be very hot in Adelaide, where I live. We are planning very few (if any) outdoor activities for the coming days, apart from what we need to do.  Just so people have some idea of the temps we will be experiencing, please see below (including the conversions for those who don’t use the same system as we do here in Australia)

Sunday 12th January – 34C (93.2F)
Monday 13th January – 40C (104F)
Tuesday 14th  January– 41C (104F)
Wednesday 15th January– 43C (105.8F)
Thursday 16th January– 43 C (105.8F)
Friday 17th January– 40C (93.2)
Saturday 18th January– 26C  (78.8F)

It will be the first time in four years that we have experienced several days at once over 40C. We get them every summer, but very rare for them to happen for 5 days in a row or more.

In January 2010, we sweltered through four days of extreme temperatures, while in January 2009, we sweated through a continuous run of six days above 40C. In fact, it was during the period of the 2009 heat wave that Victoria suffered terribly from the Black Saturday Fires. This is due to the weather we experience in South Australia heading east.

We can only hope that we see few to no deaths or fires as a result of this week’s heat.

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